Hello How are you??
I am going to introduce briefly regarding to training, You are able to read this article within 3 min.
Anaerobic exercise mechanism and training
Aerobic exercise can conduct unless energy is not lost because of exercise while keep used calories and to take in oxygen amount equal(Steady state).
Anaerobic exercise is high intensity and continue to exercise not take in oxygen.
Has to take in oxygen appropriate amount for deal with lactic acid that generated by exercise.To take in extra oxygen after finished exercise, it called Oxygen debt.
Anaerobic exercise of energy system has 2 types.
The exercise maximum between 7 and 8sec during in metabolic process of creatine phosphate.
The exercise maximum 30sec during in metabolic process of lactic acid, it arise after creatine phosphate.
Repetition training is one of the to improve anaerobic exercise ability.
Creatine phosphate mechanism of optimal range
The mechanism optimal range is between 30m and 70m(7~8sec)
But it can be divided depends on purpose of training.
・Conduct 30m to improve maximum of speed
・Conduct 70m to keep maximum of speed
Creatine phosphate mechanism of recovery
Lack of creatine phosphate by exercise that extremely fast to recovery, it almost recover within 2min, it completely recover within 3min.
Recovery half time is between 20 and 30sec
Rest time is between 2 and 3 min for this exercise.
If you have something regarding to training please let me know that.
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