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I am going to introduce briefly regarding to training, You are able to read this article within 3 min.
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General endurance trainability
I introdeced about trainability previous article.
In case of men their general endurance(maximum oxygen intake) reach the maximum(100%) between age of 17 to 20 after that it decreases 95% in the 30s, 88% in the 40s, 80% in the 50s and 74% in the 60s.
In case of women their general endurance reach the maximum(100%) around age of 15 after then it is mainteined until age of 19 after that it decreases 97% in the 20s, 85% in the 30s 77% in the 40s and 65% in the 50s.
3 energy supply mechanisms
Normally it needs energy for muscle contraction when conduct training.The energy will occur in the process of decomposing ATP(adenosine triphosphate)and then divide into ADP(adenosine diphosphate)and Pi(phosphate)The important thing is decomporition and resynthesis of ATP.There are 3 routes like below⇩
(1)Non lactic acid mechanism
The energy occur in the process of CP(creatinephosphoric acid) decompose on C(creatine) and Pi(phosphoric acid).It is called ATP-CP system.
- Not need oxygen during process
- The energy occur extremely quick
- Persist around 10sec
- Demonstrating explosive power in a short time
※Short sprint
(2)Lactic acid mechanism
The energy occur in the process of glycogen decompose anoxically on orthophosphate.
- Not need oxygen during process
- The energy occur quickly
- The myosclerosis occur cause by lactic acid
- Persist from 30sec to 60sec
- Demonstrating high power
※Long sprint
Both of these mechanism are called anaerobiotic
(3)Aerobic mechanism
The energy occur in the process of glycogen decompose on CO₂ and H₂O.
- Need oxygen
- It slow response so it takes around 4min for reaction
- The energy can persist long time
※Long distance
If you have something regarding to training please let me know that.
※I have written about Myanmar daily life on this web site.