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I am going to introduce briefly regarding to training, You are able to read this article within 3 min.
Type of muscle fiber
It can be divided into 2 type
・FT fiber(fast muscle fiber)
It advantage with contractile rate and contractility but easy to get tired.
・ST fiber(slow muscle fiber)
It is slow contractile rate and not much power but hard to get tired.
ST fiber accounts between 40% and 70% in the human body.
Mainly ST fiber is endurance exercise by aerobic energy mechanism.
For example long distance player.
Mainly FT fiber is agility exercise by anaerobic energy mechanism.
For example short sprinter, long jumper, thrower and so on.
The person who has limitation by training because FT fiber is determined by heredity.
On the other hand, the person who has potential by training because ST fiber is advantageous to long distance training.
Possibility of training(athletics)
If you have much FT fiber it is advantageous for 100m、jumper(long jump・triple jump、high jump)、thrower(shot put・discus).
400m, middle and long distance that possibility by training.
Given that type of muscle fiber, at first you can try any sports whether to know which sports suit or not.
If you have something regarding to training please let me know that.
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