
If you want to lose weight, you have to know mechanism.

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Hello How are you??

I am going to introduce briefly regarding to training, You are able to read this article within 3 min.

The purpose of exercise for fat burning

The body of fat can be divided into neutral fat, phosphatide, glycolipid and steroid.

The neutral fat occupy most of the body.

Animal fat and sugar is not good to body because it causes to increase neutral fat.

Animal fat ⇒fat kinds of oils, bacon, cheese, fresh cream, chocolate and so on.

Sugar ⇒cake, sweets, cookie, beverage include sugar and so on.

The fatty acid become energy resource for exercise.

Neutral fat need to be resolved and then to divide into fatty acid and glycerol.

Lipase(enxyme) will resolve for neutral fat.


beans, corn, peanuts, mushroom and so on

Carbohydrate are burned preferentially during exercise first 20 min, but fatty acid increase to burn preferentially than carbohydrate after 20 min.

The exercise need to conduct more than 20 min for lose somatic fat.

The carbohydrate and fat is ued as fuel during exercise, it might be changed depends on exercise time and duration.If it high intensity and short duration, the carbohydrate is used preferentially.

If aerobic exercise continue to conduct, heart, lung and vascular system will develop.

Endurance ability improve due to increase maximum oxygen intake


If you have something regarding to training please let me know that.

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